Streamline Your Launch Process, Foster Faster Returns, & Reduce Failure Rate.

Our White-labelled Startup Building System is Being Licensed Out by Venture Studios, Incubators, Accelerators, Tech Funds, Universities, & more.
Trusted by 3500+ Startups, Venture Studios, and Public Institutions

Leverage the 100 Tasks Startup Building System as Your Own

"The 100 Tasks is a true necessity for any entrepreneur! The playbook is full of useful insights and the Slack community helps people support one another. I wish we had this systematic approach when we were building WeTransfer."
Co-Founder, We-Transfer
"Most venture studios possess — at most! — 50% of the know-how contained in the Playbook. Due to the gigantic value packed into this startup manual, I told Martin that he can basically charge whatever he wants for the System."
-Michael van Lier
CEO, We Are Builders
"Martin's process was an easy-to-follow instruction manual that explained many tasks that weren't even on our radar."
-Dominik Ziems
Lead of KPMG Project KOSMOS
"The 100 Tasks got us to MVP at lightning speed and helped us clinch great investors! I'm also using the 100 Tasks to start two new projects. And I've been given a board position at another company. Thanks, Martin!"
Jonathan Fried
Founder, in-Court app

Our partners help us democratize entrepreneurship

Westerwelle Foundation

Helping build emerging markets throughout the African Continent! Our 100 Tasks Framework is being utilized by non-profit incubators to empower local entrepreneurs.


Decreasing entrepreneurial risk for a bubbling tech scene! The 100 Tasks is helping foster the growth of two of Europe’s prime startup hubs in Berlin and Hamburg.

University of Amsterdam

Bridging the gap between the classroom and the market! Providing the 100 Tasks to the UvA incubator to bring a level of practicality not present in current academia.

Interested in the venture studio version of the 100 Tasks System?

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