Yes! We have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Refunds given when requested by email, by someone who has purchased the system less than 14 days prior, and has viewed less than 20% of the platform.
Please fill out the form in oder to submit a refund request here.
We are very confident in our system and therefore want to give you peace of mind when purchasing by offering you the opportunity to refund should your expectations not be met!
Yes! We have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Refunds given when requested by email, by someone who has purchased the course less than 14 days prior, and has viewed less than 20% of the course. (Only applicable to PLAYBOOK, SYSTEM, and LIFETIME packages)
We are very confident in our program and therefore want to give you peace of mind when purchasing by offering you the opportunity to refund should your expectations not be met!
Our proprietary platform will enable the founder journey through a variety of features.
Yes, once you purchase you will automatically be sent an invoice. You can business expense this purchase and if you are a registered business you can get your VAT refunded as well.
If you want to launch and scale a startup – then yes. The 100 Task System is for founders, entrepreneurs, innovators, consultants, managers, corporations, and anyone who is involved in helping a new venture take off the ground (or has plans to do so).
The 100 Tasks was designed to be applicable regardless of the industry or geography of the venture. The 100 Tasks contain the strategies, best-practices, and specific tools that will enable a founder.